What should I do if I want to use materials from a different university library?
Articles cannot be searched. If you want to search articles, perform the search from the [Article Search] tab.

A search with an entered keyword will display the search result list screen.
When a material is selected from this screen, the NII bibliography details screen appears.
Click one of the following options of the "Get it from another organization" item displayed in the right menu on the screen.
- ILL Copy Request (getting a copy from another library)
- ILL Borrowing Request (borrowing a physical book)
ILL Copy Request is a service for getting copies of parts of articles and books from other university libraries, etc.
ILL Borrowing Request is a service for getting books from other university libraries, etc.

Library Information
Library Guide *For member of TTI |
Facilities |
For Visitor |
Access |
User Inquiry
Library Materials Guide
図書館で資料を探す |
電子書籍を読む(和書) |
電子書籍を読む(洋書) |
電子ジャーナルを読む ■Discovery Service |
データベースで情報収集をする |
電子コンテンツご利用に あたっての注意事項 |
学位論文等を読む |
レファレンスサービス |
他機関の図書館利用 |
図書館リクエスト・推薦 |
Links |
OPAC操作マニュアル 準備中 |
Web-OPAC For smartphones
App Store:Fujitsu Limited