          Toyota Technological Institute Library
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Library services will be stopped.

| by 図書館管理者

Due to stoppage of electricity power supply, the Network & Library services will be stopped during the period below:
Network and library system will be stopped.

You can't use E-mail, Internet etc.
* 16th Aug, 8:30 - 18:00

You can't enter or get out of the library
* 16th Aug, 9:00 - 17:30

- The exit for after-hours is unavailable because the electronic lock of the door shuts down.So be sure to get out from the library before power failure time. In case of emergency, inform a janitorial closet [extension:501] by extension telephone at entrance.

You can't use OPAC and check out, return or reserve.
* 16th Aug, 8:30 - 18:00

- When you would like to check out, return or reserve materials, fill in the form on the counter beside the circulation system.


Opening Hours

今日 明日
図書館  全日


Access from Cellular Phone

Web-OPAC for the cellular phone can be used according to QR code here!!